We hate spam!
We will not sell, rent, exchange or give your email address to anyone ever!
At Emsworth Loves Local our only wish is to be able to contact you in the event that we think we have something that might be of interest to you.
In this Policy the use of ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer solely to Emsworth Loves Local
We do not disclose your contact information to any third parties either here in the UK or anywhere else Worldwide. It is not used for anything other than for customer service or feedback purposes. We are totally committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully (in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998).
Cookies: These are used to enhance your experience on this shopping site and to keep track of the contents of your shopping cart. They are also used after you have logged on as part of that process. You will be asked to consent to the use of ‘Cookies’ in accordance with the Terms of this Policy.
We may send you follow-up emails and newsletters from time to time, however you may opt out of receiving such emails by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any such email.
If you require any amendments to be made to your details you should contact the Data Protection Officer as detailed below and we will ensure your information is amended.
Should you wish for your data to be deleted and not be held by Emsworth Loves Local then please use the contact details as below for the Data Protection Officer of Emsworth Loves Local and all your details will be deleted from our database.
Updating of this Policy: It may be necessary from time to time to update this Policy and I would suggest that you read it to ensure that you are aware of any revisions.
We confirm that we will do our utmost to ensure that all our systems are kept and maintained in the most secure way possible and as a result any information you provide us with is also protected.
Our Details: Our website is owned by Emsworth Loves Local, Old Chapel Cottage, North Street, Westbourne. West Sussex. PO10 8SP.
The Data Protection Officer for Emsworth Loves Local is Charlotte Markham and can be contacted by email at: charlotte@emsworthloveslocal.uk